SpoonRPC - HOWTO SpoonRPC Logo
Overview (or what are we trying to accomplish?)
This document describes how SpoonRPC's messaging system works and how to use it. First off, an overview. A message is composed of two parts, a message type which is just a string, then an arbitrary object attachment. There is of course also a source and a destination, but I'll get to that stuff later. The message type is used to identify what the message is about, and it's how functions indicate that they want to receive the messages. In most cases, a function decorator can be used to make a function receive messages. Ex:
        def fooHandler(src, mtype, attach):

The above will cause the fooHandler function to be called whenever a message with the type "foo" comes in. Any number of functions can be made to receieve a message of the same type (they will all be called with every message that comes in) and a single function can handle many message types. In fact you give a list of message types in the function decorator. The function's arguments are pretty straight forward, src is the node id of the source of the message, mtype is the message type (in this case "foo"), and attach is the arbitrary object attachment. There's more about how the attachment works in the section on Object Serialization.

Now let's talk about how it all works.

Object serialization

Object serialization is the foundation of this whole system, RPC and message passing aren't nearly as cool if you're limitted to primative types. SpoonRPC uses ASN.1 BER as the basis of it's object serialization (if you're not familiar with it, it's also the foundation of SNMP among many other things.) Primatives, or simple types, like int/long, string/unicode, null(None) are all encodable of course. Lists, tuples and dicts are also handled without any caveats (except that for lists and tuples, regardless of the input, the output will be a list.) Object serialization is slightly more complicated. The general approach that SpoonRPC takes is to encode the "public" properties/members of an object. This requires that the side decoding the object actually has a copy of the class. It also means that code never has to be (nor can be) encoded or decoded which squashes a gigantic security problem right off the bat. Specifically though, there are two separate ways SpoonRPC will try to encode an object.

First off is the recommended way to do this. In the spoon package there is a class called Serial which, through some python metaclass magic will setup some secret variables that tell spoon which properties or members to encode. All you have to do is inheirit this class in your class, set the properties you want to be serialized and away you go. There are two types of "serialize" properties that are available, and the only difference between them is how/when they get decoded. The properties specified in the class definition behave exactly like instance variables (unlike the properties usually used in class definitions.)

        class fooClass(spoon.Serial):
            fooProp = spoon.serialprop()
            barProp = spoon.lazyprop("default value")

In the above example, when fooClass is serialized ONLY fooProp and barProp will be serialized. Any other properties will be ignored, so when using this way of handling object serialization, you must classify all of your class' properties with serialprop, or lazyprop. So what's the difference between serialprop and lazyprop? Simply put, lazyprop attributes are not decoded until they are accessed. This basically just means that lazyprops require less work at decode time, particularly if the object is going to be forwarded along. There is no special handling required from the programmer's perspective to handle this, as soon as any lazyprop attribute is accessed, all of the lazyprops are decoded. This is all accomplished through python property magic.

The second way is to let SpoonRPC figure out the attributes to encode on its own. The general rule is that attributes whose name begins with an "_" or any attribute whose value has a __call__ method (e.g. a method, function or some other executable something) will not be encoded, everything else will be. In the next release, it is likely that the class of an object being decoded will need to be in a whitelist (unless it's descended from Serial) in order to prevent possible abuses.

The last thing to know about object serialization is that if the object being serialized has a method called "pre_serialize", it will be called (with no arguments) immediately before the object is serialized in order to give it a chance to perform an necessary preparations. Similiarly, if an object being de-serialized has a "post_deserialize" method, it will be called with no arguments immediately after all of the attributes have been set by the deserializer.

Routing Network

A number of connected nodes in SpoonRPC can be considered a network. Routing in SpoonRPC behaves much like routing in normal IP networks (except that rather than working with networks, SpoonRPC deals with individual nodes.) When working with the library, you really don't have to know how this works, just that it does, there is no direct interaction required here. However, here's the basic idea in case you're interested.

Each node keeps a dictionary with an entry for all other nodes on the network. The only information it needs to know about each node is the hop count (the number of nodes between the node and itself) and the transport to send the traffic to. Routing updates are sent as dictionaries containing just the node id mapped to the hopcount to all of a node's neighbors. These updates are sent only when a nodes routing table actually changes, and then only the changes are sent. When a new connection is established, each node sends it entire routing table. A node will update it's routing table when it recieves a better route (lower hopcount) to a given node, or when the node's current route sends it an increased hopcount. Furthermore, if a node receives an update from a neighbor containing a less efficient route than the neighbor would have if it used the node, it will send it's neighbor its own route so that it can take advantage of that. This is called the "good neighbor policy."

Ok, enough with the theory, what do you actually have to know to use it? Basically just that a node can be part of more than one network, without necessarily bridging them together (or acting as a router between them.) This is handled by making each transport (direct connection between two nodes) be tied to a network instance. This means that all of a node's transports can have the same network instance, in which case all transports will be considered to be on the same network. Alternatively, transports can have different network instances and they will be treated as separate networks. In most cases you will probably only have one network. The class that represents these networks is currently just spoon.routing.MeshNetwork, however it's possible that there will be other options in the future.

The important thing to remember is that nodes are all uniquely identified by their nodeId. At a protocol level there is probably no reason this needs to be a number (int), but frankly the nodeId should be an int. These nodeIds must be unique, the behavior of SpoonRPC if there are nodeId collisions is undefined. Furthermore it is the programmer's responsibility to set this nodeId. To set a node's Id to 1 for example:

        spoon.transports.TransportHub.nodeId = 1        
This MUST be done on every node on the network. Things will behave very poorly if you do not do this.


The messaging system is very simple. As mentioned above, messages have a message type which is an arbitrary string, and some object attached. You are free to make the object attached be anything you want that is serializable, including lists, dictionaries, an actual object, an int, another string, whatever you want. All handlers defined on the receiving node for the message type will be called. Keep in mind that this messaging system is totally asynchronous and "unreliable." Meaning that after a message is sent from a node, if it is dropped or lost anywhere along the way, the sender will not be notified in any way. Furthermore, no response from the receiving node is expected, so the call to send the message will return as soon as it is sent from the node. If send is called with a destination node that is not currently reachable according to the local routing table, a NodeUnreachable exception is raised. Given that the routing is totally dynamic, this may be a temporary situation due to some link state changing and making the same call again in two seconds could succeed.

There are currently two classes to represent the messaging system in SpoonRPC. The first is the SingletonMessaging class which is useful if you have only ONE network and therefor only one messaging system running. The receive decorator can only be used with the SingletonMessaging class (otherwise it wouldn't be able to figure out which messaging instance it was referring to.) If you need more than one messaging instance, you can use the Messaging class and tie each instance to a specific network. In this case you will need to use "registerHandler" method on the messaging instance to register functions to receieve messages.

Each messaging instance (or the SingleMessaging class) has a send method which will send a message to another node on the network associated with that messaging instance. It takes the parameters dst, which is the destination node id, messageStr, which is the message type string, and obj which is the arbitrary attachment.

        spoon.messaging.send(1, "test-message", [1,2,3, "testing"])

The above sends a message (using the SingletonMessaging class) to the node with nodeId 1, with the message type of "test-message". The attachment of course is a strange, contrived list, but it demonstrates that sending complex objects is not a problem. Assuming nodeId 1 had the following method and the sending nodeId was 2:

        def testHandler(src, mtype, attach):
            print "Got message from nodeId %d of type '%s' and attachment '%s'"%(src, mtype, attach)

When above message was sent, the result would be nodeId 1 printing out "Got message from nodeId 2 of type 'test-message' and attachment '[1,2,3, 'testing']" So there you have it, simple distributed messaging for python.